IA Modules eCommerce Documentation

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Multi-Store Considerations

You can host multiple web sites from the same web server/database/qb company file for an additional fee. This allows you to have wholesale and retail stores, have several wholesale or retail under different brands, or to host sites for your resellers or affiliates. By using features in QuickBooks, like Sales Reps (or Cashiers for POS) and Classes, you can track sales per site. You can also create Admin account logins for each site, and tie that to the Sales Rep so that they can only modify their site.

You can create multiple sites under one FTP user, or you can assign each site to it's own FTP user. This needs to be determined at the time of creation. It can be changed later, but is much easier and faster to create it under the FTP user of choice.

If you intend to create different category lists for each site, there are some special considerations. The Category Manager tool is not a per-site configuration tool. The category list is shared by all sites on the system. However, the flexible XSL design system allows you to work around this. Simply create a top level category for each site, and then create the categories for each site beneath those. Items can be categorized in multiple categories, so items can appear on multiple sites in different categories. This will require about 15-30 minutes of adjustments to the XSL files for each site. If you need help with this, contact support.

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