IA Modules eCommerce Documentation

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Managing Customers

When customers visit you site, you can control how they can interact with the site. You can grant privileges for them to be able to view prices, create an account, pay with purchase orders, and more. Typically this will be a combination of customers that you had in Quickbooks before you came to IA Modules, and the new customers that will sign up on your site.

New vs. Old Customers in Quickbooks
Customers that were in Quickbooks prior to your site launch will be synchronized up to the web server and the system will generate a password for them. If you had an email address in Quickbooks for each person, you can send an email newsletter out when you launch your site telling everyone how to retrieve their password. For more information, see the "newsletters" section of this guide. If you did not have email addresses for everyone then you can let them sign up on the site, which will create a new customer in your Quickbooks file. You can then merge the customers. You ALWAYS want to merge the old customer into the new customer, not the other way around. This is because the information they provided during signup is certainly the most current information.


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